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PLA Dynamical GOLD for NinjaTrader 8 for advanced users and wise guys

Designed to be the most powerful moving average on the planet. Giving supreme control to you the user with some unique features

Tired of all the other moving averages? Need to get somewhere fast? Need to filter out small whipsaw trades? Solve the problems here

Comes with indicator and strategy that trades when PLA Dynamical GOLD is < or > than the previous bar


When to use the anti-reverse? Tutorial video below shows when and how


Advanced features

PLA Dynamical has 101 different speed inputs for each length

Comes with an overshoot true or false input command. Set it by typing 1 or 0 for on or off.

Unique anti-reverse true or false input command. Set it by typing 1 or 0 for on or off.

The anti-reverse is percentage adjustable to give fine or coarse adjustments

PLA Dynamical has a fast starting algorithm which requires only 10 bars of data to compute an output value

Before complaining that the videos have no sound - Please note I am a trader and not a salesman - The videos speak fine without the words
PLA Dynamical GOLD


Anti-reverse feature video:  Shows the difference when anti-reverse is on or off



Standard features

PLA Dynamical has adjustable length from 4 to 200. ( Gold version has 200 )

Comes with a colour changing for up or down to suit user preferences.

PLA Dynamical works on any type of chart in the NinjaTrader 7 or 8 platform.

Comes with Indicator and strategy which trades when greater or less than the previous bar.

Technological advancements

PLA Dynamical is the fastest responding commercially available MA available ( Overshoot = True and speed 100)

Paradoxically it is also the slowest responding commercially available MA's available. ( Overshoot = False and speed 0 anti-reverse on- set to big percentage)

PLA Dynamical is the most flexible commercially available MA available at this time. ( Gold version has 404 basic settings per length)

Comes with more user inputs than any other commercially available moving average.

Fast start algorithm allows more back testing and gives a value after just 10 bars in NinjaTrader, no need to wait for length bars to complete

Idiosyncrasies and notes

The PLA Dynamical moving average has more than 1900 lines of code used to generate its complex algorithm

For the above reason maximum length of the GOLD version has been restricted to 200 due to the heavy calculations and CPU time.


Speed setting video:

Hold your mouse pointer over one of the peak turning points to make it easier to see the velocity shift changes



The overshoot features gets to the new price level very quickly during a volatile session.

The volatility algorithm is the governer in the fast bursts to new price areas and controls this feature

When you need it to get there fast it does it for you.

Notice it instantly goes into downtrend "short mode" before most moving averages even started to notice the new price zone.

PLA Dynamical GOLD


Overshoot feature video:

 Featured in the video below to demonstrate the huge difference that occurs in high volatility conditions note the instant velocity change in PLA Dynamical GOLD


All the plots below are the same length 30 but the speed settings are different

The difference in response times is because the user adjustable speed input settings are changed.

Lime speed = 100 White speed = 75 Red speed = 50 Cyan speed = 25 Yellow speed = 0

PLA Dynamical GOLD different lengths


Overshoot image below

The two different PLA Dynamical plots in the shot below are both set to length 18 and speed 100.

How are they different?

Green plot overshoot =1 and the yellow plot is overshoot = 0.

The difference in response times during high volatility is the overshoot feature enabled in the Lime plot and disabled in the yellow plot.

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off

PLA DYNAMICAL GOLD 1 Month trial is available for $77

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Below image Overshoot on green plot- overshoot off in yellow plot

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off

Below image Overshoot on green plot- overshoot off in yellow plot

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off


Anti-reverse feature

PLA Dynamical GOLD's anti-reverse is designed to reduce whipsaw when the prices resonate around during dull sessions making annoying small moves.

You can adjust its sensitivity from tiny percent to massive percentages. (It can take two decimal places)

Adjustments to these percentage can improve statistical lake ratios, Sortino, Sharp ratios etc

Below image anti-reverse is turned off, you can observe the small amplitude red areas where it turns down into short mode

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off

Below image is anti-reverse turned on which removes the small whipsaw red areas on the same data (*Doing this delays the later signals on the right*)

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off



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PLA Dynamical is made in England - Old school quality is GUARANTEED.

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off
PLA Dynamical GOLD for NinjaTrader 8 produced the trade frequency plot shown below when the speed setting was iterated from 0 through to 100.

The number of trades changes gradually as each iteration was made. Only by changing the speed settings - All used length 25.

This speed feature empowers the trader with more flexibility and choice than has previously been possible with a moving average.


It will run as fast or as slow as required for each individual users required frequency spectrum

PLA Dynamical GOLD overshoot on or off
PLA Dynamical GOLD - The fastest moving average on planet earth
PLA Dynamical GOLD response times table
Response time table

 PLA Dynamical is the fastest moving average on planet earth if overshoot = 1(True) and Speed = 100 anti-reverse=off ( 0 )

PLA Dynamical response times compared to standard type MA type filters which are tested at length 30

You can also make PLA Dyanmical GOLD the slowest moving average setting anti-reverse = true and putting in a big percentage value.


PLA Dynamical table of times

PLA Dynamical for NinjaTrader 7 & 8

For advanced users and maths geeks who enjoy scientific experiementation

Fast start algorithm

The first plot is produced ( In NinjaTrader 8) after just 10 bars of data are processed even if length is 100, you will see the first plot on the 11th bar.

Many of the advanced moving average types can start off life with spurious values until the set length bar number is reached.

PLA Dynamical GOLD starts off with intelligence, getting more intelligent with time.

PLA Dynamical GOLD fast start

Fast start algorithm:

 All averages are set to length 50 but PLA Dynamical GOLD starts in 10 bars on the NinjaTrader platform


Technical details features


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After a few years of high sales with the Gold version and lower sales with Silver and Bronze version, the decision was made to discontinue the Silver and Bronze

Speed settings (101 different gears-speeds in the GOLD version)

A complex algorithm iterates through 101 different steps that increase the speed up from the minimum of 0 to the maximum of 100.

This feature requires a minimum of length 3 before there is enough data running through the code to produce this facility.

The beauty of this component is that if you are optimising lengths from 20 to 30 ( which would normally giving you 11 outcomes ) you can also test speeds from 0

 to 100 at the same time resulting in ( 101 x 11 ) = 1111 different possible outcomes.

If you try riding a one geared bicycle around an undulating track and then a 10 gear bicycle on the same track. You know very well which one will get through it better.

Overshoot TRUE-FALSE feature, ( user input is 1 or 0.)

A very useful component that adds even more flexibility to this product.

A a new method to release the overshoot has been devised which can result in a much more responsive plot under volatile market conditions.

It is not suitable to be applied to slower speeds due to incompatible dynamic system arguments contained within this complex algorithm.

Overshoot OFF will engage only on lengths of 12 and above

Overshoot ON mode is designed to be used with speeds above 70 however it has not been restricted so you can experiment.

Anti-reverse TRUE-FALSE feature

User input is 1 or 0 which means 1 = On and 0 = Off, this was done to enable the changes in optimizations)

This feature when enabled (1 = TRUE) is designed to reduce sensitivity to the very smallest changes in the output of the PLA Dynamical filter.

It takes the average of the highest price and lowest price over half the length period and computes a percentage of that range.

((Making it both simple and fractal at the same time)

If the PLA moves in the opposite direction of the prevailing trend by less than this amount it will be overridden by the anti-reverse function.

This means a large reduction in whipsaw trades that occur in tight trading ranges.

Anti-reverse percent adjustment feature ( user input is 0 to 100)

This is the user adjustable sensitivity of the anti-reverse. E.G. if you type in 0.1 it will prevent PLA Dynamical reversing a trend unless it has moved by more than

 10% of the high-low range over the length duration. The obvious benefit of this is to reduce false signals that occur in tight choppy trading ranges.

With Anti-reverse TRUE the PLA Dynamical will generate less trend changes for this reason and if larger numbers are typed into it, you can observe a plot which

 becomes a true net percent of trading range trend change indicator. Some test results will show this feature actually creates a whole new plethora of possible

 system testing outcomes.

With Anti-reverse FALSE = 0 the PLA Dynamical will resume its regular plot without restriction.

The regular indicators available in NinjaTrader can be smoothed with the PLA Dynamical GOLD algorithm using the indicator builder.

Breathing new life into those jerky hard to interpret indicators such as RSI, Momentum, CCI, MACD, Stochastics etc will add clarity to your trading decisions.

Of course the colour coding of PLA Dynamical will also give crystal clear indications to make life simpler.

You can then create trading systems by using your smoothed indicators and optimise them with extra power using all the above features.

PLA Dynamical Gold for NinjaTrader 7 - 8 Standard features

Colour up-down adjustment:

This feature enables a clearer definition of when the PLA Dynamical has changed trend direction.

I was asked by several customers for this component to be added, so its added as standard kit now.

If you want PLA Dynamical to stay the same colour you can set the up and down colours to the same value.

Length adjustment:

This is a standard feature of most moving averages and is of course included in PLA Dynamical Gold


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More FAQ


Do I have to be an experienced trader to use this product?


Not exactly but it helps if you are smart and understand systems and enjoy learning.

Someone with lesser abilities would not be permitted to purchase this product.


In your email you stated I am not suited to use your PLA product due to the questions I asked, how can you be so sure from a few questions???


Its not difficult to tell an unsuitable candidate if the question are "What is your best indicator

for day trading trading forex and I need to make money fast, can you help me??"

It is what is missing from the question that says it.

You do not say what timeframe you use, any mention about your preferred trading style, your

choice of Forex pairs or anything that helps me to answer it.

Fx hardly has any volatility and moves even less in a day trading session. No volatility usually

means no profits.

My question in reply to you is what food is best to eat on Wednesday?

It will seem a harsh answer to you, but I prefer to decline access than to sell something to

someone which they would never be able to use effectively because they cannot think for




Advanced notes relating to Dynamical Systems and the Poincare diagram

Lagrangian mechanics, also known as Lagrangian formalism, is a mathematical framework used to describe the motion of objects and systems in classical mechanics.

It's an alternative approach to the more commonly known Newtonian mechanics. Such models are similar but not idential to the above.

In Lagrangian mechanics, the motion of a system is described using a quantity called the Lagrangian, which is a function of the system's coordinates and their time derivatives (velocities).

The Lagrangian represents the difference between the kinetic energy (energy of motion) and the potential energy (energy due to forces) of the system.

The fundamental principle of Lagrangian mechanics is the principle of least action, also known as Hamilton's principle.

According to this principle, the actual path that a system follows between two points in time is the one that minimizes or maximizes a quantity called the action.

The action is an integral of the Lagrangian over time and describes a balance between kinetic and potential energies.

Lagrangian mechanics provides a powerful and elegant way to derive the equations of motion for mechanical systems.

It's particularly useful for systems with constraints and for problems involving multiple particles and generalized coordinates.


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Precision Trading Systems was founded in 2006 providing high quality indicators and trading systems for a wide range of markets and levels of experience.

Supporting NinjaTrader, Tradestation and MultiCharts, coming soon are TradingView and possibly a resumption of products on the MetaTrader4 platform.


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Page created on August 13th 2023   -  New responsive page GA4 added canonical this. 5/5 html sm links added - 4 responsive videos

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