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Trivia pages for your amusement

Ed Seykota is credited for the concept of the lake ratio

Ed Seykota provided most of these images and comments

The triva page is a little collection of amusing analogies relating to trading.

The word trivia is derived from tri ( three ) and via ( street ) and people who bumped into each other would make dull gossip about the community hence the name trivia

Video below shows the Precision Probability Index trading system which achieves a good lake ratio. Shown here with speeded up data

Cost of three eggs in Zimbabwae..

The price is 100 billion Zimbabwae dollars.

After the currencey collapse people took to carrying bags of Gold dust to use instead of cash

Even now this is on the verge of happening in Argentina, read the story here

Zimbabwae dollars

Elephant Stampede , should you run or stay there?

Fundamentalists typically feel their analytics eventually control events.

Trend Followers are  content to submit to the flow of events


Trend Followers don't stick around to convince

Mr. Elephant that he is supposed to be somewhere else.


The positive intention of fear is risk control

Your experience of collapse may depend on your position.


To get off the hook, go with the flow.

Meaning is if you are stuck in a bad trade going against you, its time to reverse it.

Get off the hook

Father time

These days people are showing a lot of concern

that markets are different and trend following methods no longer work.

I recall, in the old days, people showing a lot of concern that markets are different and trend

following methods no longer work.

Father time

January, 1900 Pronouncement: The Markets Seem Different Now.....

Not using stop losses is like.......


Sure thing, no worries, Of course I'll take good care of the chickens for you.

Risking 100% on a trade and watching it closely

Bug eyes

....can have all kinds of interesting side effects.

Over complex trading system


Carrying a heavily complicated system around

with you, can lead to interesting drama.

The Plover is akin to the scalper

Lives on pieces of food and leeches

he finds in the mouths of crocodiles.

Good legs are helpful

in this line of work.


The Crocodile allows the Plover to enter its mouth

and take bits of food. The Plover gets a free meal

and the Crocodile gets clean teeth and gums.

The Trend Trader allows scalpers to take a few

points here and there, against the day when he

just wants to keep buying and buying and buying ...

and the scalpers get to experience drinking out of

a fire hose at close range.

Fundamentalists know when to catch a falling knife.

Answer:  When it's cheap

Catching the falling knife

So do trend traders.

Answer:  When it stops falling

Thanks to Ed Seykota for providing these shots

These pages below will also appeal to those who enjoy ratios, statistics and calculations.

Prodcuts designed for TradingView platform

Price target computer ( Predicts exact maximum high and low )

Computing optimal risk  ( Same method as the Las Vegas card counter Ed Thorp )

Proof of optimal risk  ( Proves the above formula is effective )

1987 crash calculator  ( Calculate your loss or profit if the 1987 crash happens again )

How to test a trading system ( Video simulation and maths )

Beginners guide to trading part one ( Six parts )

Hedging a portfolio with traded options

View the Product guide for all platforms supported


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Precision Trading Systems was founded in 2006 providing high quality indicators and trading systems for a wide range of markets and levels of experience.

Supporting TradingView, MetaTrader 4 and 5, NinjaTrader, Tradestation and MultiCharts.



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Page modified on Dec 15th 2023   - New responsive page GA4 added canonical this. 5/5 html baloon  Cookie notice added Video resize nicely